Monday, November 16, 2015

Attitude of Gratitude

 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11

We've had an interesting few days. Been able to spend time with family that came to visit. Travis was scheduled for his MRI this past Thursday. It was tough since he couldn't eat after a certain time. Since he'd be sedated for it. 

Just this morning we got back from a follow up appointment for the results. I won't lie, I was nervous. I guess scared of what they might find and that things would be worse than the doctors expected. BUT I know God is in full control. The MRI did indeed confirm he has a tethered cord. So the Neurosurgeon recommended we follow through with the corrective surgery. 

So many different things have crossed my mind these last few months and I've learned one very important thing... That Jesus is our anchor. What I may think is good, God may have a better plan for us. I don't have to fully comprehend it but I do feel confident in that He wants the best for us. 

I know this post seems all over the place. I just feel such peace and grateful. I am grateful that my family has overall health, grateful for a home, food, my family, and a beautiful smart baby boy. I know sometimes we think "why me"? But things like this just happen, they aren't a punishment. We just live in a fallen world. God is always good though.