Monday, March 6, 2017

3 Simple Tips for Photographing your Kids.

Hi There!

Thanks for joining me here today. I wanted to share with you several tricks on how to better capture your children on camera. Whether that be on an iPhone, dSLR, still camera, etc.

Tip #1:
Leave them exactly where they are!! Haha, if you want to photograph your child it's usually when they seem engaged or doing something super cute. So leave them that way. Just move around them so that you find the background that best works, which leads to my next tip.

Tip #2:
Find a great background. Something that can tell a story or ties in with the picture. Like for example if your child is playing at the park position the prettiest trees in the background or the playground. Make sure it is neat and free of clutter!

Tip #3:
This is probably the most important one and that is LIGHT! If you're shooting indoors I suggest positioning yourself in front of a window. So that the light will be pointed directly in front of your subject. Now if your shooting outdoors it's always a good idea to find some shade or shoot with the sun behind your subject. This tip takes a bit of practice but soon enough you will find the lighting that your prefer and is most flattering.

Hope you enjoyed these and definitely try 'em out!
