Thursday, October 11, 2018

Horseshoe Crabs

Did you know that horseshoe crabs lose their shells? I sure didn’t. So you can imagine how disturbed I was to walk on to the beach and find a handful of “dead” horseshoe crabs on the shore. I decided to google why would that happen. It made me wonder could it be the water in the area was uninhabitable? So many things crossed my mind. 

When I googled, I found an article stating how horseshoe crabs shed their shells like snakes shed their skin. Supposedly the process of them shedding the skin was one of maturation and they had most likely just outgrown their current one. The way this process follows through is they will crack the front of the shell and crawl into a bigger one. Then the waves will wash up the old ones to shore. Of course when I read this I started checking all of their shells. They all had that crack at the front.

Now, this may not seem so profound to you but it was to me. The reason being because right before I stumbled upon these many “shells” I’d been questioning in my mind, how does a Christian grieve when they know someone is with Jesus? 

My husband lost his youngest brother 19 days ago. It’s still so hard to believe for us. Some days I feel good and then others like today I just thought of him. I was sad. Sad that his time earthside was 26 years short. Sad because I wish that things would have gone differently. 
In the midst of this God reminded me that we can grieve but must remember that life on earth is just temporary. When we “mature” or reach our early time limit, it’s only an upgrade. We have a better “shell” in heaven with our savior. 

James 4:14 How do you know what your life will be like tomorrow? Your life is like the morning fog—it’s here a little while, then it’s gone. 

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